How to Stay Ahead of the Digital Curve: 8 Social Media Marketing Resources


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Gone are the days when you spend your time in the workplace making calls from your Rolodex or getting the latest news at the water cooler. Sure, both still exist but as a marketing firm , we know that it is imperative to stay in the know. How do you stay ahead of the digital curve?

Today, there are almost 1.5 billion active Facebook users, with 82 percent of them coming from outside the U.S. and Canada. Twitter boasts 270 million active users that send 500 million tweets per day. And each day, 4 billion videos are viewed on YouTube (that's 46,296 per second) and 60 million photos are uploaded on Instagram. (CNBC)

Those numbers don’t lie. We at CBDx have created a cheat sheet of some of our preferred resources.  By no means are these endorsements, but instead suggestions for those trying to stay on top of the latest trends in digital marketing and social media.


Social Media Today: Always a good variety of content.

Social Media Examiner: Great collections of social media tips, best practices, case studies and advice from leading experts in the field.

Marketing Profs: Social media marketing tips including B2B. Provides timely news on social media marketing, analytics and mobile.


Hootsuite Blog:  Social media strategy, advice and tips.

WOMMA: This stands for Word of Mouth Marketing Association Blog. It provides marketing and social media research info.

Simply Measured Blog: Shares relevant social media studies and tips.

Adobe Digital Marketing Blog: They have an array of great info on mobile, social media, email and marketing.

As the nature of social media and technology is always changing, we are sure that new and more current resources will continue to be created. Please help contribute to our collective knowledge by adding your suggestions and go-to resources in the comments section below.


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