Nearly 3 Million Views in Under a Week–Why Digital Video Marketing is a Must



Nearly two-thirds of people are visual learners, and visual data is processed much faster by the brain than is text (SocialTimes). Clearly, digital video is an important component to add to the mix in your social media strategy.

One great example that still makes me tear up is a “thank-you” campaign that TD Bank ran earlier this year. They turned ATM’s into Automated Thanking Machines to create some very special moments for customers across Canada.

According to the Blaze, the video has undoubtedly gone mega-viral because of what happens in the second half. That’s when the bank kicked it up several notches and delivered an additional, heartfelt gift to each of the customers.

Within days this video clip received nearly 3 million views. This is just one example revealing why video marketing should not be overlooked.

If that doesn’t wow you, how about this stat from YouTube: “Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube—that's almost an hour for every person on Earth.”

The bottom line: If your association is not using Digital Video Marketing then it’s missing out on an abundance of opportunities utilizing this key marketing channel.


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